Type the text of your letter in this field (don’t include a heading or closing—just the text).
-- part contents for card part 14
----- text -----
-- part contents for card part 15
----- text -----
Click this field to toggle between “Personal” and “Business” letters. The value of this field determines how your letter will be formatted when you transfer to your word processor:
• A Personal letter begins with the date, then “Dear” and the first name from the To/From field. The letter closes with the Personal closing from the Setup card.
• A Business letters begins with the date, then lines for the company name and address, and “Dear” plus the full name from the To/From field. The letter closes with the Business closing from the Setup card.
-- part contents for card part 16
----- text -----
Use this field to enter the name of the person to whom you are writing.
-- part contents for card part 17
----- text -----
Use this field to show the date you sent a letter (or reply) to the person listed on the card.
This field is automatically filled in with the current date when you transfer the letter to your word processor. You can also enter a value manually, if you wish.
-- part contents for card part 18
----- text -----
Use this field to show the date you received a letter (or reply) from the person listed on the card.
This field is automatically filled in with the current date whenever you create a new Letter card. You can also enter a value manually, if you wish.
-- part contents for card part 19
----- text -----
Use this field to enter notes or reminders about the letter or the person shown on the card.
This field is not included in your formatted letter.
-- part contents for card part 20
----- text -----
Click these arrows to scroll through your Letter cards.
-- part contents for card part 21
----- text -----
Click this button to add a new Letter card.
-- part contents for card part 22
----- text -----
Click this button to format your letter, place it in the clipboard, and transfer to your word processor.
When you get to your word processor, choose “Paste” to see your letter. Make any changes you want to paragraph formatting, line spacing, font, and so on with your word processor, then print the letter.
When you quit your word processor, you will return to LetterWriter. There is no need to save the letter with your word processor, since it is already stored in this stack.
Click the Type field on this help card for more information on letter formatting.
-- part contents for card part 23
----- text -----
Click this button to search for a text string in your Letter cards.
-- part contents for card part 24
----- text -----
Click this button to sort your Letter cards by Name, Date Received, or Date Sent.
-- part contents for card part 25
----- text -----
Click the up arrow to return to the title screen.
-- part contents for card part 26
----- text -----
That’s how you got here! For more help, click the “Help Menu” button to the right. To return to LetterWriter, click “Exit Help.”